Pim Van Lommel

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Near-Death and End-of-Life Experiences with Eben Alexander, M.D., Pim van Lommel, M.D., and Peter Fenwick, M.D.
Near-Death and End-of-Life Experiences with Eben Alexander, M.D., Pim van Lommel, M.D., and Peter Fenwick, M.D. Audio Program BetterListen! - BetterListen!
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Near-Death and End-of-Life Experiences with Eben Alexander, M.D., Pim van Lommel, M.D., and Peter Fenwick, M.D.

Nonlocal Consciousness, a Concept Based on Scientific Study of Near Death Experience with Pim Van Lommel M.D.
Nonlocal Consciousness, a Concept Based on Scientific Study of Near Death Experience with Pim Van Lommel M.D. Audio Program BetterListen! - BetterListen!
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Nonlocal Consciousness, a Concept Based on Scientific Study of Near Death Experience with Pim Van Lommel M.D.


Pim van Lommel, M.D., worked from 1977-2003 as a cardiologist in Hospital Rijnstate, an 800-bed teaching hospital in Arnhem, the Netherlands. He is the author of Consciousness Beyond Life, a best-seller in Holland that was nominated for the Book of the Year. In 2006, the president of India awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in New Dehli.